Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Queens, Teens and Mean Machines

The photo is a still from Episode Two - Covies.

The first three episodes are in great shape as we begin the task of finalising the edit on them. Then they'll be sent out to LA for Joe to work his magic. Music makes such a difference.

The website is coming along nicely - You may even be reading this from the website itself. I have to thank Rob for that, who is showing great creativity and versatility.

Unfortunately we're still chasing up money that was promised to us, but has yet to materialise. I suppose it's to be expected in these difficult times - But it does anger me because money is still owed on the production to our producer. He is much more patient than I would be. Hopefully that will be resolved soon. On the plus side ESB have come in as an additional sponsor for us. money collected now will help us to promote the show and grow awareness.

I'm encouraged by the news that Michael Eisner [Former Ceo at Walt Disney and Ex Paramount Exec] believes the future of the industry lies with the internet. His new company produced an online drama called Prom Queen that got over 20 million viewers for it's eighty webisodes of ninety seconds duration. It looks great too, but they had a budget of around $6000 per minute - ours is closer to $200 per minute. I also wonder if it only got twenty million viewers because most short sited internet pervs thought it was Porn Queen. After all you only need ninety seconds for that.

It seems as if every week there is a new internet project announced and even Eastenders is getting in on the act. They are due to launch an internet soap in January to compliment the programme. It's called E20 and episodes - 13 of them - are between 6 and 12 minutes long. This I guess will be our main competition. However it seems as though once again there is compromise as the spin off is aimed at teenagers. With the show following four teenagers who turn up in Walford. Regular cast members from the parent soap will only make cameo appearances.

Whereas we're squarely aiming at an adult audience. In fact from episode three on, Covies will be for 18+ only. After all the internet isn't just for kids is it?

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